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6 Depression Symptoms that you Need to Watch out

Depression is one one of the illnesses that affects someone's life. It can be harmful when it gets severe and no one is there to guide you. Broken hearts, rejections, bullying, lost of something or someone, anger etc. causes our brain to function as we are created, these things causes our loneliness. Being sad for days and weeks because of these reasons are just normal. The sadness and the stress that is caused by these things are called Situational Depression. It could go for days and weeks. But if the symptoms of depression doesn't go away for months and years, we can call it as Major Depression. This major depression happens when our sadness and anxiety affects our daily living. This is a serious illness and this should be treated emotionally before we get to the point that we are hurting ourselves.

         I have gathered six symptoms that a depressed person is suffering without even knowing. If you've seen someone who is suffering from these symptoms,don't hesitate to approach them and let them.feel that somebody on this world understands them, somebody loves them, somebody knows their worth, and somebody cares.

Depression Symptoms

1. Sadness 

         Whenever you've felt the emptiness and hopelessness in your soul. It's just like when you're doing everything to stop you from feeling this emotion but it doesn't work. You also feel like you can't fight against your negative thoughts that is conquering over your emotions. This also includes crying with unknown reason or sometimes crying for no reason at all.

2. Loss of Interest

         This symptom is very common for those who are experiencing depression. When you've lost the interest in the most of the things that you do especially when it comes to pleasurable activities like social interactions, sports, hobbies and sex. You can also say that you've lost your interest when you don't care about your physical grooming and being irresponsible.

3. Sleep Changes

         Whenever you wakeup early and not being able to get back to sleep or sleeping too much and not being able to get up early, this may be an indication that you are depressed. This may be caused of over thinking or stress. Or maybe being fed up of everyday life that is full of loneliness.

4. Guilt

         People who are suffering from depression usually feel their hopelessness and worthlessness. They think that they do not belong to the world and feel like they are just a waste of space. They even classify depression as their weakness.

5. Loss of Energy

      Whenever the person has the feeling of tiredness all the time, this may be a symptom of depression. Because of this, it is hard for them to cope up with others when it comes to physical activities and everything that they do are slowed down.

6. Suicidal Thoughts

          When the person is having thoughts of hurting their self physically and thinking that death is the only solution, this is a serious matter that should never be taken as a joke. We don't know what the person is going through. The best way to help them is to talk to them. Let them feel that they matter. Let them feel that they're important. Let them feel that someone cares about them. Remember that when a depressed person wants to talk to you, it means that trust you. You are a light that is found in the middle of the darkness so don't let them down.

         I myself became a victim of this what they call "depression" acquired from the death of my father when I was 11 and from bullying. It was hard for me to do things normally and people get mad at you because they don't understand the sadness that I'm feeling inside. I had literally no friends at that time. The only thing that I can rely on are my friends on social media that I don't even know personally. I have fought depression barehandedly. I didn't ask help from my mother because I think she doesn't understand. I've kept all my feelings inside but I realized it was wrong. I've changed myself for a better. It was hard at first but you will get used to it. I have changed to a place where I belong and met the people who accepted me as I am. Freedom is the key. You only need to find the place where you will fit in, the place where someone will accept you as you are. There you will find comfort and it will help you to stop your depression.

"You are important, you matter, somebody cares, don't ever give up."

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